Donations totalling £7,062, monies raised from our Carnival week earlier in August, were handed over to 30 local charities and organisations at a Presentation Evening held last week at Alton Park Junior School.

All the cheques were handed over by our Carnival Queen Kimberley and he Princesses Megan and Sophie.

The two main charities to receive monies collected from the Procession were each given £1,500; The Friends of the West Cliff Theatre for improvements to the Ladies toilets and the St Helena Hospice Tendring Day Centre to improve the outside lighting. However we were rather shocked to be told that the Tendring Day Centre will possibly close in March 2019. Their spokesman on the evening, Alison Lanchester, Director of Fundraising and Communications, promised us our donation would be spent on Services needed in Clacton.

Other donations ranging from £75 to £512, the 1st Clacton Scouts 50% share of their BBQ takings over the week, were handed over to representatives of the organisations many of whom helped run the many carnival events

Linda Hills who presented the evening as our Chairman, Paul Townend, was away. She thanked everyone for their help and Sponsors for their continued support. “We are going through a difficult time with all the outdoor events depending on good weather. We are also very short of people on our Committee. We need a Vice Chairman, Company Secretary, Minutes Secretary and more Members to be able to continue this popular fund-raising week held in August.”

Click here for the list of 2018 donations

Photo L – R Geoff Wiggins, Friends of the West Cliff Theatre; Sophie Youell, Princess, Kimberley Sears, Carnival Queen; Megan Shepherd, Princess; Alison Lanchester and Zach Whitter from St Helena Hospice.